Let me me tell you a very simple and short story. Once upon a time there was two great friends who were talking in a Cafe. They’ve been talking for a little time when it came to what kind of coffee they wanted to drink. One of them told to the other guy that he was in this cafe last time and was drinking a very delicious coffee so he will definitely order it again. After that the other guy said „Oh that sounds good I will order it, too.” After they drank the coffee this guy told to the other that „Thanks the tip, this coffee is really good. I will always drink it.
The guy who offered this coffee is a student. But I can say he is a very good salesman, too. Why? Because he recommended a coffee that was very tasty for the other person so he would drink it next time, too. The only problem is that this guy won’t receive any purchasing comission from this recommendation.
This is just one story of thousands. I think everybody has already recommended a product to a friend who bought it because of this recommendation. The only question that how much money did he or she earned with this recommendation?
Today I can say that I have a very good product that is consumed by over 80% of society and if I recommend this products I can get a very good commission. This product is the healthy coffee. The only task that I have to do is recommend it. But I can say that it is really easy to recommend this coffee. Because as you see in the story the coffe is a really popular product and it is an „everyday use product”. People love coffee and they like to try new and new coffees. Would you like to profit? :)